Isabel M. Habicht gewinnt renommiertes Stipendium und geht für ein Jahr an die Harvard University
Isabel M. Habicht gewinnt renommiertes Stipendium und geht für ein Jahr an die Harvard University
Research fellow
I am a research fellow in Prof. Mark Lutter’s team, with scientific interests in the sociology of consumption and taste. I completed my bachelor's degree in sociology at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine) and master's degree (MSc) in sociology and social research at the University of Cologne (Cologne, Germany). The topic of my master's thesis was "Examining relationships between cultural omnivorousness and values", supervised by Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov and PD Dr. Daniel Seddig.
Since 2019, I had been working at GESIS, initially working as a student assistant and later as a research associate in the Metadata Team of the Data Services for the Social Sciences department, contributing to CESSDA projects. In 2022, I joined the University of Wuppertal to pursue my Ph.D. dissertation.
Teaching WiSe 2024-2025
For incoming international students (Erasmus): You are welcome to join the course "Sociology of Consumption" that takes place on Wednesdays from 12:15 to 13:45. You can get 3 ECTS if you successfully complete course. Please send an email to to book a place!
Teaching SoSe 2024
Teaching WiSe 2023-2024
Teaching SoSe 2023
Current projects
Recent publications
Voronin, Y. (2024). Cultural omnivorousness in Ukraine: Examining relationships with social indicators via literary preferences among readers. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 13675494241256891.
Voronin, Y., & Lutter, M. (2024). Educational Mobility and Cultural Omnivorousness in Germany. Cultural Sociology, 17499755241247991.
Voronin, Y. (2022). The Role of Values as Mediator in Relationships Between Social Position and Cultural Omnivorousness in Germany. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift Für Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie.
Akdeniz, E., Borschewski, K. E., Breuer, J., & Voronin, Y. (2023). Sharing social media data: The role of past experiences, attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control. Frontiers in Big Data, 5, 1–16.
Bishop, L., Broeder, D., van den Heuvel, D., Kleiner B., Lichtwardt, B., Wiltshire, D. & Voronin, Y. (2022). D5.10 White Paper on Remote Access to Sensitive Data in the Social Sciences and Humanities: 2021 and beyond (1.0). Zenodo.
Akdeniz, E., Borschewski, K., Breuer, J., Voronin, Y. (2022). Survey - Accessing, (re)using, and sharing social media data in academia. Dataset. SowiDataNet|datorium.
Recent conferences and workshops
08/2024: Presentation. Conference: ESA 2024, Porto
04/2024: Presentation. Conference: IMEBESS 2024, Riga
09/2023: Presentation “Educational Mobility and Cultural Omnivorousness”. Conference: ECSR Annual Conference 2023, Prague
08/2023: Poster presentation “Educational Mobility and Cultural Omnivorousness”. Conference: Knowledge Societies – 4th Conference of the Academy of Sociology, Bern
Online CESSDA webinar: Vávra, M., Kleiner, B., Voronin, Y., & Jurgens, P. (2022). New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving [Webinar]. Zenodo.
Face-to-face workshop at IASSIST 2022: Bishop, L., Kondyli, D., Lace, I., & Voronin, Y. (2022). The CESSDA Data Archiving Guide: A resource for people who love data [Workshop]. Zenodo.
Office hours
Wednesdays, 2-4 pm (by appointment)
Contact info
Room O.13.17
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät für Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
Gaußstr. 20
42119 Wuppertal